Saturday, December 11, 2010

itchy me

assalamualaikum and good evening ladies and gentlemen..
*ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww bajet pembace berita

tadi i went to a government hospital on the purpose of nak teman mama.. she had infection thingy la la la soo mama suro gi buat checkup jugak.. 'cause for the past one month i had EXTREME BAD RASHES.. ok i had eczema tapi dia macam get worse selepas mandi di satu air terjun kat janda baik.. itchy satu badan..


takut la infection ke.. terkena bacteria perosak ke.. klu transmission of virus nakal ke...
so dengan tak pasal-pasal selama beberapa hari ini aku jadi SANGAT PARANOID!

eeeee call me ade perasaan Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.. oh my! tapi bila aku berdoa banyak-banyak supaya tenang kan hati and jauh kan dari penyakit bawaan semua virus-virus dan bakteria sengal itu! InsyaAllah tarappapa.....

so bagi menguatkan lagi keyakinan terhadap body ku, yes.. i went for a checkup dengan doctor *sumpah paranoid punye pompuan*
after long explanation of la la la... the doctor said..
*ayat dia lebih kurang sama dengan bawah.. jangan la expect same ye.. saya bukan voice-recorder*

"jangan risau, you need to know what your illnesses are about.. since you have this and that and dot dot dot.. it's atopic.. bukan macam kudis yang jangkit-jangkit tuu.. but you have your ubat continuously.. eczema memang kena DEPENDENT DEKAT STEROIDS SEPANJANG HIDUP.. KALAU TAK MAKAN, YOU CAN HAVE INJECTION BUT YOURS TAK TERUK.."

aku tak terkejut sangat part inject tu... tak heran sangat la cause kecik-kecik selalu demam and yes, JAB... ouch!

tapi bab LIFETIME STEROID??? Goshhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....
tolong please help me!!!

ohh someone please stop the itchiness!! Ya Allah!! please!!!

gambar: sumber google ;


Fahmi Raazali said...

hehe... boleh tak kata ko drug addict :-)

mcm dlm ceite house m.d la konon2 :-)
cuma dia mabik sebab kaku dia sakit...

ada bahasa2 alien yg aku tak faham pun maksud dia... hehe

ainil said...

hahaha kite bukan doctors kot... kite designer! hoyeah!

Fahmi Raazali said...

haha... kat tv tu mana ada drama pasal designer... kalau ade... leh gak layan.

ainil said...

agak2 boleh tekan like tak statement ko neyh? haha